With students returning to the classroom or through a blended online environment, I wanted to design an activity that would begin in the classroom and then continue the activity with an online, ‘report back’ collaborative exercise. I want students to see the connections between course content (lecture, readings, suggested resources) as a continuum of interconnected learning opportunities.
The learning outcomes were
1) learn where the new library was located on campus
2) demonstrate the tasks and skills necessary for a successful library database searches,
3) identify the steps and procedures for locating the selected resources (articles/books) in either the physical library or online e-books.
4) articulate the process in an online discussion forum
The activity was to review the textbook for suggested readings at the end of a specific chapter, find an author listed. Then they were to visit the library website and look for a book by the same author, and then located it on the shelf or online.
The final step was to go the that section in the library and take a picture of the book on the shelf, and upload this image and write a description in the online discussion forum to ‘share’ their results.